
Holidays are designated calendar days used to define exceptions to Time Schedules. A holiday overrides the normal, weekly time interval schedule preventing it from activating. If a time schedule does not activate, then access groups using that schedule and cardholders who are assigned that access group are inactive, preventing access. Local linkage conditions are also inactive. The software supports 8 holiday type lists, each holding up to 32 days. Time schedules can, however, be specified to be active on designated holiday types.

The Holidays Window

From the Home tab, click the icon and the Holidays window appears.

Holiday setup 1



Creating a New Holiday

  1. Click the Add icon in the Holidays icon group.
  2. A new holiday is added to the list with a generic name and no date assigned.
  3. Click on the New Holiday list item to configure its properties.

Holiday setup 2


  1. Locate and click on the desired date on the calendar. The left/right arrows at the top of the calendar advance the calendar backward/forward by one month. The left/right double-arrows advance the calendar backward/forward by one year. You will be asked to verify the selected date.


Holiday setup 3


Click the Yes Button. Once saved, the date is highlighted in bold text on the calendar.


  1. Under Properties:

Holiday setup 4


  1. Click in the Show All Holiday Dates tick-box to have all existing holidays highlighted in bold text on the calendar.


Setting a Holiday Date Range

A Holiday Date Range is a set of continuous dates treated as one holiday. For example, you can define December 24 and 25 as Christmas holiday.


To set a holiday date range, follow the instructions per the Creating a New Holiday section above, but in Step 4 click on the start date and drag the cursor to the end date. The selected range will be highlighted. Complete the steps as listed and the holiday date range will be saved.


Downloading Holidays to Controllers

Holidays can be immediately downloaded to controllers if desired.


  1. Under the Downloads icon group, use the Controllers pull-down menu to select either all controllers or a specific controller to which the Holidays should be downloaded.
  2. To download all Holidays, click the Download All icon.
  3. To download one Holiday, select that Holiday from the list of schedules and click the Download Selected icon.



Removing Holidays

Removing a Holiday is simply a matter of selecting the desired item and clicking the Remove icon from the Holidays icon group.


Editing Holidays

Editing a Holiday is simply a matter of selecting the desired item, changing the appropriate values in the calendar and properties box, and then saving the changes.


Please keep in mind that changing a Holiday name if that interval has been assigned to Access Groups will have a drastic effect on the system.



Holiday Limitations

Depending on the hardware type you are using (or if you are using multiple hardware types) there are limitations related to the maximum amount of holidays that can be used. These limitations are as follows:


Holiday Schedule Limitations


Gateway Type PXL NXT Mercury Powered




Holiday Schedules 3 8 8 8 8 1 8
Holidays per Schedule 32 32 255 255 (a) 255 (a) 255 (b) 255 (a)
Intervals per Holiday 4 6 8 8 8 1 8


(a) Total number that can be applied across all Holiday Schedules.

(b) Holiday schedules are treated the same as time schedules. Applying a holiday schedule will subtract one time schedule.


Note: When using multiple concurrent hardware platforms the software will limit the number of holiday schedules to the lowest value of the gateways used.



Enabling Holidays in Time Schedules


By default, when you setup a Time Schedule Interval all holiday types are set to No. Therefore if you want a Time Interval to be active on a Holiday Date you have to enable the holiday type within the interval settings.


Holidays - Image 1



Holidays - 2